Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts

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Technical Data


Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts Technical Data!

Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts Technical Data:


Flexible films, CPP, BOPA, BOPS, BOPP, BOPET etc., laminates,

special materials, e. g. BSF

·         B.O.O.P                    12 –180 µ

·         P.V.C                       20 -180 µ

·         L.D.P.E & H.D.P.E       12 –180 µ

·         P.P                         12 –180 µ

·         P.E.T                       12 -180 µ

·         ALU.FOil               12 -180 µ

·         LAMİNATIONS PRODUCTS.       200  µ 

Material thickness:

12 µm – 250  µm

Material width:

max. 2000 mm

Parent roll diameter: 

max. 1,600 mm

Finished roll diameter:

max. 1,200 mm

Finished roll weight:

max. 1500 kg

Slitting system:

Shear cut, blade cut, burst cut

Slitting width:

Min. 16 mm

Winding cores:

3″, 6″

Type of shaft:

Frictional shaft

3″, 6″



max. 800 m/min


We use components like :

Motors-  Allen Bradley USA

Brake,Tension systems- Re Controlli Industriali

Shafts Sytems- RT Air Shaft Group

Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts

Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts

Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts


Hit Parc

HIT Industrial Park, Garii Street, Nr 100, Building A1 nr. 105, 607235, Hemeius, Bacau, Romania