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Plate mounting Machine

Plate Mounting Machine Plate Mounting Machine Technical Data Plate mounting Machines Technical Data:Correct plate mounting is essential for high and repeatable quality of printing. Plate Mounting Machine by Blue Mechanic make it possible by enhancing the process with...

Slitter Machine Mini

Slitter Slitter Machine Mini Technical Data! Technical Data: Material: ·         B.O.O.P                    12 –180 µ ·         P.V.C                       20 -180 µ ·         L.D.P.E & H.D.P.E       12 –180 µ ·         P.P                         12 –180 µ...

Flexographic Printing Machine for heavy duty polythene sacks

Flexo Flexographic Printing Machine for heavy duty polythene sacks technical data N. OF COLOURS 4- 8PRINTING WIDTH 600 ÷ 1800 mmPRINTING HEIGHT / PRINTING REPEAT 250 MM/1300 WORKING SPEED 160-350 mt/minPRINTING METHOD Flexo solv - Flexo H2O - Flexo UV MOTORISATION...

Lamination without solvent base

Lamination Lamination without solvend Technical Specifications Technical Data: • Material: Polyester, Film, Foil, BOPP / LD / LLDP /Paper• Working Width: max 1600mm• Heating System Water / Oil: 2/3 Nos.• Drive: Digital AC / Servo• Motor: AC / Servo Motor• Unwind:...

Lamination with solvent base

Lamination Lamination with Solvent Base Technical Data! Technical Data: Dry Lamination & Wet Lamination Machines for Solvent Based & Water Based Machines Web Widths : 800 to 1600 mm
Speed : 120 to 225 m/min. Coating Machine: For Various Applications using...

Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts

Frictional Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts Technical Data! Slitter Machine with Frictional Shafts Technical Data: Material: Flexible films, CPP, BOPA, BOPS, BOPP, BOPET etc., laminates, special materials, e. g. BSF ·         B.O.O.P                    12 –180 µ...

Slitter with Central Drum

Slitter Slitter with Central Drum Technical Data! Technical Data: Technical Data: Material: Flexible films, CPP, BOPA, BOPS, BOPP, BOPET etc., laminates, special materials, e. g. BSF ·         B.O.O.P                    12 –180 µ ·         P.V.C                      ...

Standard Slitter Machine

Slitter Standard Slitter Machine Technical Data!Standard Slitter machine Technical Data: Material: Flexible films, CPP, BOPA, BOPS, BOPP, BOPET etc., laminates, special materials, e. g. BSF• B.O.O.P 12 –180 µ• P.V.C 20 -180 µ • L.D.P.E & H.D.P.E 12 –180 µ• P.P 12...

CI Flexo Press with Central Impression Drum

CI Flexo CI Flexo Press with Central Impression Drum Technical Data Technical Data: NUMBER OF COLOURS: 8PRINTING WIDTH: 600 ÷ 1800 mmPRINTING HEIGHT / PRINTING REPEAT: 400 ÷ 1000 mmWORKING SPEED: 160-450 mt/minPRINTING METHOD: Flexo solv - Flexo H2O - Flexo UV...

Flexo Stack type

Flexo Flexo Stack Type Technical Data Technical Data: NUMBER OF COLOURS: 4-8PRINTING WIDTH: 600 ÷ 1800 mmPRINTING HEIGHT / PRINTING REPEAT: 400 ÷ 1000 mmWORKING SPEED: 160-400 mt/minPRINTING METHOD: Flexo Stack typeMOTORISATION: MotorisedFLEXOGRAPHIC INKING: Closed...


Hit Parc

HIT Industrial Park, Garii Street, Nr 100, Building A1 nr. 105, 607235, Hemeius, Bacau, Romania